About Us

Driven by perfection, the best moments in life, shared with the people who have meaning in your lives, emits the charisma of your marriage. The wedding ceremony is an act of new chapter in life, celebration of the big blessing to bestow an eminent place beside you for the chosen life companion. Giving such attention to the wedding ceremony and understanding the need for something different because of the limited and monumental choice for wedding hall. ASTIBO PLAZA in Shtip, offers the right choice for people with refined taste and inventiveness, for the ones who want luxury and comfort, ambience that is the main host of the ceremony, that welcomes the guests with quality service and staff.

As the first restaurant of this kind, established by European and world standards, ASTIBO PLAZA wants to prove that your special day should be, and remain remembered as really special, and that luxury and quality is the things you deserve.

ASTIBO PLAZA offers Chrystal hall with capacity of 750 guests and free parking space.

Posted by Dospel & GanjaParker